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Welcome to deathmatch.com page on PlanetSide

Most of you probably havn't heard of a game called planetside. It is known as a MMOFPS or massively multiplayer online first person shooter. It is basiaclly a big online war, Lots of fun :) There are three sides involved in PlanetSide displayed below. Enjoy!! If you want me to add anything to this page just tell me at jordangiraffe@hotmail.com

The Terran Republic

They have big ass fast firing guns. They do less damage but fire much quicker than anything else

The Vanu

There weopans are built for versatility so they have a wide range of uses. As well as having the damn cool lasher!

The New Conglomerate

The best side in ps. They have more damaging shots but with a cost of having a lower refire rate.